Friday, 30 December 2016

samsung s5[ROM][04/07/16] GROMV6.1 [6.0.1] [G900M/F/I][-CPF2] Stock- Stable - Fast -Fatures S7

GROMV6 (GerisRomv6)
- Base stock CPC4
- Patch SECURITY 01:06
- StockKernel
- Rooted
- Deodexed
- Busybox
- SuperSU
- Debloated
- 1000 fonts
- init.d Support
- KNOX removed
- Media / App
- Multi-User Support
- Advanced Restart
- removed sd notification
- Notifications blur
- centralized clock
- EDGE S7 Screen
- Theme for icons e wallpaper
- only 4g networks
- alarm on the lock screen
- Toolbox 12 apps
- Off screen by clicking on the clock in the center or corner right
- Disativado SMS Log In call records
- improved performance
- Unlimited Favorite Contacts, SMS / MMS Max Count Slide, recipient limit, messages by thread, Max subject length and maximum length Email Address
- Floating On Air Post, combine and forward the message Chat Settings, CallBack number, MMS Mobile off date, the sender information to message forwarding, message Priority / Validity, MMS Send delivery reports, MMS Deadlines for Delivery, Add Subject Field, Managing SD card messages, and Copy to SIM / Save to write / Reply All Level / Priority List composition Mods in Stock messaging App.
- SMS to MMS raising the threshold to 999
- Disabled Scrolling Cache
- save and restore text messages using the Messaging App
- group conversations enabled in the Messaging App
- shutter sound on / off in camera settings
- performance and battery improvements
and much more.....


Download the rom and move it to EXTERNAL MicroSD;

Reboot device in TWRP recovery (boot pressing and holding Volume Up + Home Button + Power Button);

Wipe data (BEFORE INSTALLING and NOT AFTER, if not you will lose some preinstalled apps): go in Wipe>Advanced wipes>Select Data confirm with a swipe;

Press Home Button and then press Install>Up a level until you are in phone root, then press extsdcard;
Select rom zip and swipe to confirm;

When flash is finished, press on Reboot system and WAIT A LOT.
DO NOT WORRY IF PHONE REBOOT 2 TIMES: it's normal after SuperSU SystemLess flashing; 
first bot can take up to 10 minutes

not tested but should work 900F..

Enjoy with GerisRom


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